It’s easy to upgrade your existing iX HMI solution using the following migration tables below to find the right panel when you want to upgrade your existing iX HMI solution to the X2 panel series. And watch the video showing how easily you upgrade your iX application.

Hardware upgrade


iX HMI Industrial

iX HMI panel X2 panel Notes
iX T4A X2 pro 4
iX T7A X2 pro 7
iX T10A X2 pro 10 Different cut-out size
iX T7B X2 pro 7
iX T12B X2 pro 12
iX T15B X2 pro 15


iX HMI SoftMotion

iX HMI panel X2 panel Notes
iX T12B-SM
iX T15B-SM


iX HMI TxF-2 series

iX HMI panel X2 panel Notes
iX T5F-2 X2 base 5
iX T7F-2 X2 base 7
iX T10F-2 X2 base 10



iX HMI panel X2 panel Notes
iX T7BR X2 extreme 7
iX T7BR HB HP X2 extreme 7 HP
X2 extreme 7 SL HP New 7-inch rugged fully sealed high-performance panel
X2 extreme 7 HP SC New 7-inch rugged high-performance panel with integrated control
X2 extreme 7 SL HP SC New 7-inch rugged fully sealed high-performance panel with integrated control
iX T15BR X2 extreme 15
iX T15BR HB HP X2 extreme 15 HP
X2 extreme 15 SL HP New 15-inch rugged  fully sealed high-performance panel
X2 extreme 15 HP SC New 15-inch rugged high-performance panel with integrated control
X2 extreme 15 SL HP SC New 15-inch rugged  fully sealed high-performance panel with integrated control



QTERM panel X2 panel Notes
QTERM-A7 iX X2 extreme 7 Different cut-out size
QTERM-A7 Qlarity X2 extreme 7 Different cut-out size, new HMI software
QTERM-G72 X2 extreme 7 Different cut-out size, new HMI software
QTERM-A12 iX X2 extreme 12 Different cut-out size, different aspect ratio
QTERM-A12 Qlarity X2 extreme 12 Different cut-out size, different aspect ratio, new HMI software



EXTER E1000 X2 panel Notes (dimensions are listed as W x H)
EXTER K10 E1012 X2 base 5 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 121 x 80 mm – X2: 161 x 93 mm, new HMI software
EXTER K20 E1022 X2 base 5 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 120 x 138 mm – X2: 161 x 93 mm, new HMI software
EXTER K30 E1032 X2 base 7
X2 pro 7
Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 166 x 149 mm – X2: 161 x 93 mm/ 189 x 128 mm, new HMI software
EXTER K60 E1060/E1062 X2 pro 7 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 240 x 130 mm – X2: 189 x 128 mm, new HMI software
EXTER K70 E1070 X2 pro 7 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 246 x 139 mm – X2: 189 x 128 mm, new HMI software
EXTER K100 E1100 X2 pro 12 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 343 x 208 mm – X2: 324 x 226 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T40 E1041/E1043 X2 pro 4 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 139 x 105 mm – X2: 130 x 89 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T60 E1061/E1063 X2 pro 7 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 180 x 130 mm – X2: 189 x 128 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T70 E1071 X2 pro 7 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 180 x 138 mm – X2: 189 x 128 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T100 E1101 X2 pro 12 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 265 x 206 mm – X2: 324 x 226 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T150 E1151 X2 pro 15 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 356 x 279 mm – X2: 394 x 270 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T70-bl N/A X2 marine 7 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 189 x 138 mm – X2: 189 x 128 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T100-bl N/A X2 marine 15 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 265 x 206 mm – X2: 394 x 270 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T150-bl N/A X2 marine 15 Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 356 x 279 mm – X2: 394 x 270 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T70-sr-bl N/A X2 marine 7 HB Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 189 x 138 mm – X2: 189 x 128 mm, new HMI software
EXTER T100-sr-bl N/A X2 marine 15 HB Cut out size; EXTER/E1000: 265 x 206 mm – X2: 394 x 270 mm, new HMI software

Notes: Adapter plates are not offered for X2 units. EXTER/E1000 models labeled CI D2 can be replaced by X2 extreme units. Sunlight-readable models are available in the X2 marine and X2 extreme line.

iX application upgrade

X2 panels are software compatible with iX 2.20 SP2 and forwards. Watch the video to see how easily you update an existing iX application to an X2 panel.

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