Sick’s Guide for Safe Machinery is a practically orientated reference book for manufacturers, designers, system engineers and anyone who is responsible for machine safety.images

The latest edition of Sick’s Guide for Safe Machinery contains, among other topics, useful information and support in the implementation of the new standard EN ISO 14119. This new standard contains specific requirements for selecting and using interlocking devices and it is important to understand what effect these changes will have for machine manufacturers.

Safe machinery provides legal protection for both manufacturer and user. Machine users expect to be offered only safe machinery or devices and there are regulations for the protection of operators of machinery worldwide. These regulations are subject to regional variations.

However, there is broad agreement on the process to be applied during the manufacture and upgrade of machinery;

  • During the design and manufacture of machinery, the machine manufacturer shall identify and evaluate all possible hazards and hazardous points by undertaking a risk assessment (formerly also called a hazard analysis).
  • Based on this risk assessment, the machine manufacturer shall take suitable design measures to eliminate or reduce the risk. If the risk cannot be eliminated by these design measures or the remaining risk cannot be tolerated, the machine manufacturer shall select and apply suitable protective devices, and provide information on the residual risks if necessary.
  • To ensure the intended measures work correctly, overall validation is necessary. This overall validation shall evaluate the design and technical measures, as well as the organizational measures in context.

What does the Sick guide contain?

Sick’s Guide for Safe Machinery is an extensive guide on the legal background relating to machinery and on the selection and use of protective devices. It will show you various ways in which you can safeguard machinery and protect persons against accidents taking into account the applicable European directives, regulations, and standards. The examples and statements given are the result of our many years of practical experience and are to be considered typical applications.

This guide describes the legal requirements relating to machinery in the European Community and their implementation. The legal requirements relating to machinery in other regions (e.g., North America, Asia) are described in separate versions of this guide.

Who is this guide for?

Sick’s Guide for Safe Machinery is aimed at manufacturers, operating organizations, designers and system engineers. In fact, anyone who is interested in, or responsible for machine safety.

Looking for more information? We can help with that…

If you would like a copy of the guide, please get in touch


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