Professional automation for your system: I/O systems from Phoenix Contact are the ideal solution for data transfer at input and output level. Whether in the field, in a control cabinet, as a customizable modular system or with a block design. Whichever network or protocol you prefer – we have the right I/Os for you.

Your advantages

  • Versatile use, thanks to international approvals, wide range of functions, and network openness
  • High system availability and increased productivity, thanks to very reliable products
  • More future-proof, thanks to the use of innovative technologies

I/O systems for every application














More choice: I/O devices from Phoenix Contact for every applications


You will find the perfect I/O devices for signal acquisition in Phoenix Contact’s extensive I/O product range.

Proven technology provides the basis for innovative products with useful features – continuous improvements are achieved through close customer contact and forward-looking developments.


  • Choose from an extensive range of I/O modules and I/O terminals for the control cabinet – including for very fast data communication.
  • I/O devices that support modular extension and have a high degree of functionality can be used in the field or particularly robust devices with a block design can be used for harsh industrial environments.
  • Implement safety applications with our PROFIsafe modules or with no safety controller at all using SafetyBridge Technology.
  • Clever connection technologies, such as Push-in Technology or SPEEDCON fast locking system, enable convenient and time-saving wiring.
  • Our IO-Link/analog converters and the IO-Link masters also provide a high degree of flexibility in the field and can be used to implement analog communication without any shielded cables.


For more detailed information on Phoenix’s I/O System products, please see the links below:


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