There are two pieces of good news for Mitsubishi GOT2000 users this month.



First is the release of the new GT2104 – this is a fantastic 4.3″ widescreen, full colour HMI with a list price of £355.

Second is the new lower price for the GOT2000 VNC licence which is now just £25, meaning that our customers can implement remote access even more cost effectively than before.

Please find part numbers and descriptions below:

283924 – GT2104-RTBD – Graphic touch terminal; 4.3″ widescreen 65K colour

TFT-Display; 480×272 pixels; 24V DC, Ethernet, RS232, RS422/485 interfaces plus USB programming port and embedded SD card slot.

274947 – GT25-VNCSKEY-1 – VNC licence key for GT27 series HMIs – 1 licence.

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