

The Lutze Group has been developing and building electronic and electro-mechanical components for the Automation Industry for over 70 years.
Lutze manufacture machine and system installation products, including specialist control and networking cables and a portfolio of problem-solving interconnectors, electronic interface, signal converters, fieldbus solutions and power supplies for your PLC, servo and motion controller applications.


Lutze is your ultimate partner in industrial automation cable solutions for flexible and continuous flexing applications. With cables suitable for the global markets covering;

Motor Power, Control, Electronic and Network cables for factory automation machine applications.

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Lutze Connectivity Products


As the world of Automation is changing to “Plug and Play” industrial connectivity at machine level, with more than 20 years experience Lutze should be your partner of choice.

Whether its standard M8/M12 or M23 connectivity or to bespoke industrial solutions Lutze can advise and develop the correct connectivity package for your machine to meet a global market place.


Cabinet cooling with AirSTREAM system

The problem: Wherever current flows, heat is generated and hotspots occur in every control cabinet.

The components that used to design control cabinets are becoming more and more compact even though their switching capacity is increasing. This also means that the thermal loss rate is higher. Heat also builds up in the standard cable ducts. Hotspots are created. Standard climate control features in control cabinets are often not able to dissipate these hotspots and cool air does not get to where it is needed. The consequences could result in frequent failures and machine downtimes.

LÜTZE’s AirSTREAM wiring system offers a comprehensive solution for an even climate inside the control cabinet.

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With over 70 years of experience in electronic automation technology Lutze key goals are Efficiency in Automation from sustainable sources. As industry 4.0 grows in manufacturing plants, more and more data is required from devices.

Communication is critical and with that security is vital! Lutze provides power monitoring, power systems and interface solutions ready for the internet of things. Lutze Control solutions are characterized by high efficiency, minimal device dimensions which helps with the reduction of cabinet volumes thus reducing cooling energy required.

The portfolio from the area of Control covers the area of electronic overload and short circuit protection as well as an entire spectrum of industrial power supplies capable of reliable power monitoring.

In addition Lutze offers a broad range of Signal convertors and switchgear for coupling signals with innovative low construction footprint in LCIS. The lastest edition is the LCOS family completing the offer with switches, bus couplers for industrial network infrastructures.

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LUTZE Cablefix® One Cable Entry System Kit

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