MELFA Robots

At the 2018 Drives and Control Stand Mitsubishi previewed a prototype of the new MELFA CoBOT. This arm will be aimed at the collaborative robot market offering increased rapidity and higher IP rating than the competition as well as easy to use software, direct teaching and collision detection. Mitsubishi showcased a MELFA Robot mounted on an automated guided vehicle (AGV) showing alternatives to conceptual uses for these products.


On-Line Configurators

The online configurators for iQ-R, iQ-F, Q series, L series, F series and networks have been updated on the Mitsubishi website. New features include:

– Quickly visualise the number of I/O points and total current consumption required for modules during selection.
– “Purchase list” with selected module name and quantity can be printed.
– “Configuration chart” based on selected models can be printed
– Configuration Image can be printed

These tools can be found at

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